Looking for Community Manager Crypto Jobs?

Looking for Community Manager Crypto Jobs?
Photo by ELLA DON / Unsplash 

Currently, the role of the community manager is one of the most important within any company. Especially if we take into account that social networks and different digital platforms are vital communication channels to reach the largest possible audience. Another very popular topic nowadays is cryptocurrencies and like other industries, the crypto industry also needs community managers dedicated to managing crypto communities and the different platforms that require the work (social networks, Telegram, Whatsapp, Discord, Reddit, Bitcointalk, and other forums where their intervention is necessary).

Related: How to get started in Crypto 2022!

To perform a good job as a community manager in the crypto industry, it is necessary to have certain characteristics that are of utmost importance:


  1. Communication: Good communication is vital within the role of a community manager since the good performance of your work depends on it. He/she needs to be active and answer the doubts or queries of the community in real-time, in addition, he/she needs to keep in touch with his/her immediate boss to always handle last-minute information.
  2. Responsibility: A good community manager must be responsible within the industry, especially when it comes to handling information from the cryptocurrency world. He/she must be committed to the idea of doing a good job.
  3. Knowledge: The Community Manager's knowledge should not be limited to the information he/she receives and what he/she has to publish. Ideally, he/she should keep up to date with the crypto topic and at the same time have that thirst for research to also check the information and avoid any kind of mistakes or unverified information.
  4. Creativity: A true community manager should always have creative ways to get the information across in a simple but manageable way for those who wish to acquire knowledge.
  5. Proactivity: The community manager must be always at the forefront, not only of information but also in his work. He can plan what he is going to post. In addition, their analytical skills must be 100% to solve problems and avoid them in the future.
  6. Flexibility: Both the company and the community manager should work together, neither party should be rigid when it comes to making changes. Ideally, the community manager should be experienced so that he/she can evaluate how far he/she can go. The crypto industry is very broad and can cover a lot of ground.
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Photo by youssef naddam / Unsplash


In the cryptocurrency industry, a community manager must fulfill several duties to perform his role 100%. These are some of them:

  • A good community manager must have a deep knowledge of the company for which he works, this will give him the ability to manage in the same tone that manages the industry, and at the same time, he will be able to solve problems more easily. In the same way, this enables him/her to prevent future problems.
  • Being a community manager in the crypto world is not an easy task. If you want to do a good job as a community manager or moderator you must be an expert. Not only in social media and community, but also in Telegram or knowing how to manage Crypto Communities on different platforms. He/she must be well steeped in the subject.
  • The community manager must be active full time, to be able to maintain effective communication in the online community, social networks, and different platforms where he performs his job.
  • The community manager in the cryptocurrency industry must have a great deal of knowledge about cryptocurrencies. To provide the best support to the community and create informative, assertive, and accurate content that has to do with the topic and reaches the target audience.
  • One of the main duties of the ideal Community Manager is to possess high written communication skills. He/she should always be focused on helping others. With a great ability to solve problems, answer questions and create attractive, creative, and original content to keep the community active and at the same time attract new users to the different platforms.
  • Last but not least. One of the most important duties of the community manager is his or her adaptability, and he or she must also have a high degree of commitment and responsibility. He/she will be the face and voice of the brand and will be the first person with whom the community communicates.


  • Plan, organize, and execute the different activities, marketing campaigns, and publications necessary for the audience.
  • Create creative content with the ability to bring awareness to the existing audience within the community and at the same time grow the community by attracting new users.
  • Evaluate and monitor the progress of your campaigns, and measure the results through the data obtained or feedback from the target audience. Always stay ahead of the curve and ensure that your message is effective and in turn improves the user experience.
  • Keeping abreast of news and information about the crypto world to be able to give truthful and up-to-the-minute information.
  • Generally requires a high command of technical cryptocurrency language and an advanced knowledge of English to thrive within your role.


  • This type of job allows applicants to work remotely from anywhere in the world. Some industries prefer this role to be fulfilled face-to-face, however remotely can also be done effectively so you don't need to leave home or shy away from your activities to do a good job.
  • Employment as a community manager on cryptocurrency platforms also allows the worker to gain experience in handling cryptocurrency forums and enrich their technical language and increase their ability to communicate and solve problems.
  • While each brand or company has its well-defined rules, this role gives some freedom to develop their creative potential and expand their knowledge as they research and manage information.
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Photo by Alexander Shatov / Unsplash

The Community Manager role is one of the most popular non-tech jobs in the cryptocurrency industry, especially in big cities such as San Francisco. This industry evolves daily at a dizzying pace. The online community manager must keep abreast of all the developments, the industry, and the different social media and or community sites he/she is in charge of managing.

He/she must remember that his role is one of the most important within the company and that the effectiveness of communication rests on his shoulders.

Checkout this job board to see open opportunities!

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